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甚麼是WhatsApp Business?2025最新商用功能及收費

小企業必讀:詳解WhatsApp Business功能、收費及好壞處

你知道嗎?僅是2022年首九個月,香港便有近80萬間新註冊公司,當中零售、餐飲及服務業佔了相當高的比重,意味著顧客很輕易就能找到數之不盡的選擇。如果你有意踏足上述行業,就必須要建立長期且不會被輕易超越的競爭力,而客戶關係管理將會是重中之重。立即了解WhatsApp Business API 可以如何助你後來居上!

2023最新!WhatsApp Business更新版功能

為迎合瞬息萬變的市場需要,WhatsApp Business自2018年1月首次推出以來,便不斷改良現有服務並加入更多新的商用功能。

據悉,WhatsApp Business有機會在2023年頭正式推出兩項新功能,分別是 (1) WhatsApp Premium 和 (2) 全新主頁按鈕。

1. WhatsApp Premium

WhatsApp Premium是一個採用「訂閱制」的通訊服務,只要商戶每月付費,便能解鎖更多元化的附加功能,包括但不限於:

  • 最多10個裝置同時登入「同一個使用者」
  • 將客戶對話分配給特定員工
  • 自訂WhatsApp商家網站連結
  • 在WhatsApp商家網站設置產品目錄及上傳更多資訊


WhatsApp Business Beta測試版本中,WhatsApp將原有的「相機」按鍵移除,並在同一位置加入了全新的「主頁」按鈕,當中列出了常用的功能捷徑,讓用家只需登陸單一界面,便能快速開啟不同的功能,不用再花時間逐一點選不同欄目。

WhatsApp Business應用程式和WhatsApp Business平台有甚麼分別?

對於不熟悉WhatsApp Business的人士來說,或許會不知道WhatsApp Business應用程式 (WhatsApp Business App) 和WhatsApp Business平台 (WhatsApp Business Platform) 的分別。

簡單來說,WhatsApp Business應用程式專為小型企業而設,而WhatsApp Business平台則適用於中型至大型企業,功能比前者更為豐富,使用體驗也更彈性。

WhatsApp Business應用程式 WhatsApp Business平台
費用 免費 付費
用戶上限 一人 多人
  • 產品目錄
  • 短連結
  • 自動問候及離開訊息
  • 預設快速回覆
  • 對話標籤
  • 廣播訊息
  • WhatsApp商店
  • 統計資料
  • 所有WhatsApp Business APP功能
  • 多媒體訊息
  • 與第三方軟件整合
  • 官方企業帳戶認證

WhatsApp Business適合甚麼業務?

顧名思義,WhatsApp Business就是專門為處理商務工作推出的。但凡是業務過程中涉及到與客戶的交流,WhatsApp Business就有助簡化工作流程、提升員工效率,所以對絕大部分的業務而言,相信都是很不錯的工具。

WhatsApp Business不但有助企業與受眾建立更緊密的聯繫,亦能全程提供嶄新及貼心的客戶體驗,讓客戶可以在單一應用程式內完成查詢、揀選產品、下單付款等一系列環節,做到線上線下無縫對接。

事實上,WhatsApp Business在首年便獲得超過500萬個商家使用,涵蓋電子商務、醫療服務、奢飾品牌、房地產乃至是政府機構等等,業務橫跨多個不同領域。

WhatsApp Business功能概覽


1. 商家檔案

每個WhatsApp Business的使用者都可以創建一個專屬商家檔案,向公眾說明自己的品牌名稱、地址、產業、電郵、網站、社交媒體帳戶等,讓顧客一眼便能了解有關商家詳情。

2. 商家二維碼

每個商家都希望盡量為客戶減省不必要的麻煩,而WhatsApp Business二維碼正能讓客戶只需掃一掃QR Code,便可輕鬆與商家開展對話,不必逐一輸入電話號碼。

3. 對話標籤

商戶每天都會接到形形式式的訊息,有些是來自客戶的查詢,有些則是來自其他商家的合作邀請,如果沒有妥善的分類系統,往往很難在短時間內找到想要的訊息。而WhatsApp Business提供的對話標籤功能有助於整理大量對話,助用戶快速找到所需資料。

4. 自動訊息

提高銷售轉換率的第一步,就是先確保一個順暢的用戶體驗。Zendesk一項研究顯示,超過70%的受訪者都非常重視客服回覆的速度,而線上聊天的最理想時間,就是一分鐘或以內。WhatsApp Business設有自動訊息功能,即使客服人手不足,系統仍能以最快的速度回覆客人,避免客戶流失。

5. 群發訊息

商家不時都會推出限時優惠、節日禮遇等活動,除了在Facebook、Instagram等平台宣傳,WhatsApp也不失為一個直接、高效的途徑。不過,無論是逐個客戶通知,還是建立群組發送訊息,都不是一個最理想的解決方案。WhatsApp Business讓商家能夠透過群發訊息名單,同時向多位聯絡人傳送訊息,提高效率的同時,又能保護客人私隱。


1. 商品目錄

電子商店販售的產品眾多,而一個整齊的目錄可讓顧客更清晰了解到商家的產品類型及賣點,大大提升購買意欲。WhatsApp Business內置的目錄最多可加入500件商品,並且能隨意刪減增添,簡單又快捷

2. 目錄連結

所謂「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂」,客戶在看到心水產品時,難免會想和親朋好友分享。用戶在查看WhatsApp Business的目錄時,只需點選想要分享的產品並複製連結,就能向任何聯絡人分享目錄中的特定商品,比螢幕截圖更加方便。

3. 購物車

對電商來說,顧客將產品放入購物車可以說是成功的一半。WhatsApp Business設有購物車功能,客戶可以直接從目錄將商品新增至購物車,無須離開WhatsApp便可直接向商戶提交訂單。

香港WhatsApp Business收費

誠如上文所述,WhatsApp Business應用程式是免費的,商戶無須擔心收費問題。

但對於新手來說,WhatsApp Business平台的收費標準就或許有點複雜,事關收費並非固定統一,而是會根據對話類型有所浮動。


WhatsApp Business的收費模式大致沿用以下3大基準:

  1. 每月首1,000個對話免費
  2. 經過WhatsApp發訊廣告或Facebook專頁呼籲字句開展的對話免費
  3. 每個收費對話期為24小時,期間發送的訊息數量不限,而時限過後,該對話將以新對話計算

用家觸發對話 VS 商戶觸發對話

WhatsApp Business平台會按照對話類型進行收費,分別是 (1) 用家觸發 (User-initiated) 和 (2) 商戶觸發 (Business-initiated):

用家觸發對話 商戶觸發對話
定義 用家展開第一句對話,而商戶在24小時內發訊回覆 由商戶主動引發對話,或是在客人傳訊24小時後才回覆
規定 不設規限
  • 用戶必須事先同意接受訊息 (Opt-in)
  • 必須使用預先批准的訊息模板
收費* USD$0.0224 (約HKD$0.17) USD$0.0745 (約HKD$0.58)


WhatsApp Business常見問題

1.  如何繳付WhatsApp Business帳單?

如希望使用付費版WhatsApp Business,用戶可登入Business Manager,揀選合適的賬戶並按「賬戶設定」,之後點選「付款設定」,再依照指示輸入信用卡資料即可。

2. 甚麼是WhatsApp Business企業解決方案供應商 (BSP)?

WhatsApp Business企業解決方案供應商 (BSP) 並不屬於WhatsApp母公司,而是來自全球各地的第三方解決方案供應商,能夠為業務性質較複雜的企業提供客製化技術支援,例如是個人化通知、客戶數據分析、人工智能對話等等。




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WhatsApp AI Integration: What, Why and How

 In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective communication is the key to success. And when it comes to connecting with customers, WhatsApp has emerged as a dominant force. But what if we told you there’s a way to take your WhatsApp game to a whole new level? Get ready to dive into the realm of WhatsApp integration and discover how the implementation of WhatsApp AI technology can revolutionize your business.

What is WhatsApp Integration?

WhatsApp integration refers to the process of combining or connecting WhatsApp with other platforms, applications, or systems. Generally speaking, WhatsApp integration often involves integrating WhatsApp’s features and functionalities into existing software or systems, allowing businesses and individuals to leverage the capabilities of WhatsApp in conjunction with other tools or platforms.

WhatsApp integration can be achieved through various methods, including APIs (For example, the WhatsApp Business API provided by WhatsApp), third-party integration platforms like Wati, or other custom-built solutions. By integrating WhatsApp, businesses can seamlessly exchange chat records with team members, share multimedia content, and access other features within their preferred software or systems.

Is WhatsApp Integration driven by AI?

WhatsApp integration itself is not primarily driven by AI. However, AI can be incorporated into the integrated solutions to enhance the functionality and capabilities of WhatsApp.

One common use case of WhatsApp AI is the incorporation of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). With such AI technologies, businesses will be able to develop intelligent chatbots or virtual assistants within the integrated WhatsApp system. These AI-powered chatbots can automate customer support, answer frequently asked questions, and provide personalized responses to users.

Still, although WhatsApp AI is preferred by many, it is not a requirement for the WhatsApp integration itself. The WhatsApp integration process is primarily focused on connecting WhatsApp with other systems, while AI is just an additional layer that can optimize and improve the WhatsApp integration solution.

6 Examples of WhatsApp Integration Tools

There are several types of WhatsApp integration tools available that businesses can utilize to connect WhatsApp with other platforms or systems. These tools provide the necessary infrastructure and functionality to facilitate seamless integration, for example:

WhatsApp Business API

The WhatsApp Business API is a comprehensive tool provided by WhatsApp itself. It allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp with their existing systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, help desk platforms, or e-commerce platforms. The API integration provides access to WhatsApp’s messaging capabilities, allowing businesses to send and receive messages, automate responses, and manage customer interactions.

Third-Party Integration Platforms

There are third-party platforms that specialize in providing integration solutions for WhatsApp. These platforms offer pre-built connectors, APIs, and tools that simplify the process of integrating WhatsApp with various systems, such as CRM, marketing automation, or support ticketing systems. They often provide additional features like chatbot builders, analytics, and reporting.

Chatbot Development Platforms

Chatbot development platforms enable businesses to build and deploy AI-powered chatbots for WhatsApp integration. These platforms provide a visual interface or development framework to create chatbot workflows, define conversational flows, and integrate with WhatsApp using APIs. They often offer natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, analytics, and customization options.

CRM and Help Desk Software

Many CRM and help desk software solutions offer built-in integration with WhatsApp. These tools allow businesses to manage customer interactions, support tickets, and communication channels, including WhatsApp, within a unified platform. Businesses can integrate WhatsApp as one of the channels for customer communication, ensuring all interactions are centralized and tracked.

E-commerce Platforms

E-commerce platforms may provide built-in integration or plugins to connect WhatsApp with online stores. These integrations enable businesses to send order notifications, shipping updates, or order status information directly to customers’ WhatsApp accounts. WhatsApp can also be used as a customer support channel for handling inquiries related to orders or product information.

Social Media Management Tools

Social media management tools often include WhatsApp integration capabilities. These tools allow businesses to manage and schedule WhatsApp messages along with their social media posts, enabling them to incorporate WhatsApp as part of their social media marketing strategies. They provide features like content scheduling, analytics, and reporting for WhatsApp interactions.

Why consider AI-powered WhatsApp Integration?

AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools offer several advantages that can benefit businesses in various ways. 

Here are some reasons to consider AI-driven WhatsApp integration tools:

Enhanced Customer Experience

AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools can provide personalized and interactive experiences for customers on WhatsApp. Chatbots or virtual assistants integrated with AI capabilities can understand and respond to customer queries in a human-like manner, offering relevant and tailored assistance. This improves customer satisfaction and engagement.

Automation and Efficiency

AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools have the ability to automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes on WhatsApp. Chatbots can handle common inquiries, provide instant responses, and assist with transactional tasks, reducing the workload on customer support teams. This automation allows businesses to handle a higher volume of customer interactions efficiently.

24/7 Availability

AI-powered chatbots integrated with WhatsApp can provide round-the-clock support and assistance. They can handle customer inquiries outside regular business hours, ensuring customers receive immediate responses and assistance even when human agents are unavailable. This improves responsiveness and customer service availability.


AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools are highly scalable. They can handle a large volume of messages and interactions simultaneously without compromising performance. As businesses grow and their WhatsApp user base expands, AI-driven tools can efficiently handle increased customer demands, ensuring seamless communication.

Data Insights and Analytics

AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools can provide valuable data insights from customer interactions on WhatsApp. They can analyze conversation patterns, sentiment, and frequently asked questions, helping businesses identify trends, improve service offerings, and make data-driven decisions. These insights can contribute to better understanding customer needs and preferences.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Being capable of learning from customer interactions continuously, AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools can keep improving their performance over time. Through machine learning algorithms, chatbots can adapt and refine their responses based on user feedback and historical data. This iterative learning process leads to more accurate and effective interactions with customers.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

In today’s data driven business world, AI-powered WhatsApp integration tools are extraordinarily appealing given that they can provide advanced analytics and reporting features that go beyond basic metrics. They can generate insights on customer satisfaction, conversation outcomes, and chatbot performance, allowing businesses to monitor and optimize their WhatsApp interactions for better results.

9 Tips for WhatsApp AI Integration

When adopting AI-powered WhatsApp Integration, there are several key points to keep in mind to ensure a successful implementation. 

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Clearly define the objectives and goals you want to achieve with the AI-powered WhatsApp integration. Determine the specific tasks, functions, or customer interactions the integration will handle to provide value to your customers and business.
  2. Understand User Needs: Gain a thorough understanding of your target audience and their needs. Analyze the types of inquiries or tasks users commonly engage in via WhatsApp. This will help you design the integration’s user flow and ensure it addresses business needs effectively.
  3. Choose the Right AI Technology: Evaluate different AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), or deep learning to determine which ones align with your integration’s requirements. Select the technology that best suits your goals and the complexity of user interactions.
  4. Data Collection and Training: Data plays a crucial role in training an AI-powered WhatsApp integration. Collect and curate a diverse dataset of user interactions to train the WhatsApp  integration’s AI models effectively. 
  5. Iterative Development and Testing: Adopt an iterative development process for your AI-powered WhatsApp integration. Build it incrementally, test it thoroughly, and refine its performance based on users’ feedback and real-world usage. Continuously iterate and improve the integration to enhance its effectiveness over time.
  6. Multilingual Support: Consider incorporating multilingual support in your integration if your customer base spans across different regions or languages. Be certain the WhatsApp integration can understand and respond accurately in multiple languages, providing a seamless experience for users regardless of their preferred language.
  7. Human Handover Capability: Implement a smooth transition from the WhatsApp integration to human agents when necessary. Design the WhatsApp integration to recognize scenarios where it may not have the capability to assist further and seamlessly transfer the tasks to a human agent.
  8. Regular Maintenance and Updates: AI models require regular maintenance and updates. Monitor the WhatsApp integration’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and update its AI models accordingly. Stay up to date with advancements in AI technologies and deploy updates to enhance the integration’s capabilities.
  9. User Privacy and Data Security: Prioritize user privacy and data security throughout the AI-powered AI integration’s implementation. Confirm compliance with relevant data protection regulations and implement measures to safeguard user data collected during the WhatsApp integration implementation.

AI-powered Wati KnowBot for the Best Customer Support

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Wati KnowBot is an AI-powered customer support solution that integrates with uploaded knowledge bases to provide quick and accurate responses to user queries. With Wati KnowBot’s AI-powered capabilities, businesses can effortlessly achieve higher rates of successful query resolutions, leaving your customers happy and satisfied.

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WhatsApp Business收費表 (2024年更新)

[WhatsApp Business收費】即睇最新收費模式及價格

隨著電子商務的興起,各行各業都積極發展線上互動及交流,期望可進一步加強與顧客的溝通,而全球擁有逾24億用戶,服務遍及180個不同國家的WhatsApp Business正是其中一個不可忽略的戰場。本文為你整合WhatsApp商業賬號的收費須知,助你快速把握這個滲透率最高的通訊平台。

WhatsApp Business有免費版本嗎?

WhatsApp Business商業賬號有兩種版本,一種是免費的WhatsApp Business應用程式,另一種則是收費的WhatsApp Business API

前者是目前最多中小型商家採用的WhatsApp Business版本,用戶只需下載應用程式,便能免費使用群發訊息、對話標籤、商家目錄等一系列商用工具。

但WhatsApp Business應用程式始終存有限制,例如是每次只允許一個用戶登入等等,所以WhatsApp亦推出針對大型企業而設的WhatsApp Business API,用戶只需支付月費,就能使用自動回覆大量查詢、聊天機器人 (Chatbot) 等等升級功能。

WhatsApp Business收費相關名詞

WhatsApp Business名詞 定義
免費對話 (Free-tier Conversations) 每個月的首1,000次對話
範本訊息 (Template Message) 預先建立的訊息模板,必須取得官方批准才能使用
免費接入點對話 (Free Entry Points Conversations) 透過WhatsApp發訊廣告或Facebook專頁呼籲字句按鈕觸發的對話
普通訊息 (Session Message) 由顧客主動發出的訊息對話,設有客戶服務窗口限制
客戶服務窗口 (Customer Service Window) 自客戶發送首個訊息起計的24小時


2022年2月1日,WhatsApp商業賬號採取全新收費模式,平台上的對話將會被分成 用戶發起 (User-initiated)商戶發起 (Business-intiated) 兩種,各自有不同的定價標準:

1. 用戶發起 (User-Initiated)


2. 商戶發起 (Business-Initiated)


WhatsApp Business港澳台及全球收費

WhatsApp Business港澳台收費

WhatsApp將香港、澳門及台灣歸類為「亞太地區其他國家/地區」,該區域內的WhatsApp Business商業賬號收費並無差別:

用戶發起 (User-initiated) 商戶發起 (Business-initiated)
US$0.0224(約HK$0.17;MOP$0.18;TW$0.69) US$0.0745(HK$0.58;MOP$0.60;TW$2.29)

WhatsApp Business其他地區/ 國家收費

WhatsApp Business商業賬號的價目表合共有32個不同地區,當中以荷蘭的收費最為昂貴,印度及土耳其的則最為便宜。


用戶發起 (User-initiated) 商戶發起 (Business-initiated)
荷蘭 US$0.0891 US$0.1485
法國 US$0.0859 US$0.1432
德國 US$0.0819 US$0.1365
埃及 US$0.0644 US$0.1073
智利 US$0.0454 US$0.0757
拉丁美洲其他地區 US$0.0423 US$0.0706
俄羅斯 US$0.0398 US$0.0663
西歐其他地區 US$0.0397 US$0.1324
英國 US$0.0388 US$0.0647
意大利 US$0.0386 US$0.0643
西班牙 US$0.0369 US$0.0615
非洲其他地區 US$0.0363 US$0.1208
阿根廷 US$0.0316 US$0.0526
尼日利亞 US$0.0310 US$0.0516
巴西 US$0.0300 US$0.0500
歐洲 US$0.0250 US$0.0835
中央和東部其他地區 US$0.0250 US$0.0835
亞太其他地區 US$0.0224 US$0.0745
馬來西亞 US$0.0220 US$0.0732
中東其他地區 US$0.0218 US$0.0727
沙特阿拉伯 US$0.0195 US$0.0325
印尼 US$0.0190 US$0.0316
阿聯酋 US$0.0190 US$0.0316
以色列 US$0.0180 US$0.0300
秘魯 US$0.0179 US$0.0598
南非 US$0.0168 US$0.0280
其他 US$0.0145 US$0.0483
巴基斯坦 US$0.0142 US$0.0473
墨西哥 US$0.0105 US$0.0349
北美 US$0.0088 US$0.0147
哥倫比亞 US$0.0060 US$0.0100
印度 US$0.0040 US$0.0066
土耳其 US$0.0030 US$0.0100


1. WhatsApp Business商業賬號版本

如上文所述,WhatsApp商業賬號分為應用程式及API兩種,前者免費,後者則是收費,所以你最終採用的WhatsApp Business版本,將會是影響收費的最直接因素。

2. 業務所在國家/ 地區

因應WhatsApp Business商業賬號所在地區,WhatsApp亦會收取不同的費用。


3. 收發的訊息種類及數量

WhatsApp Business商業賬號每月首1,000個訊息都是免費,此後將會按訊息收費,所以商家收發訊息的數量十分關鍵。


4. WhatsApp Business解決方案供應商

為了開發更多便捷易用的功能,部分商戶或會聘用WhatsApp Business API供應商。因應服務範疇及商戶要求,不同供應商之間的定價各有不同,影響WhatsApp商業賬號的最終收費。


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